San Mateo families today face real issues: keeping our community safe, lack of childcare options, high housing costs, and hateful attacks on the Asian-American and Jewish communities. As your mayor, I am hard at work delivering for the people of San Mateo everyday.
Since 2019, I have led our community through the pandemic and into recovery.
Established a $5.5M childcare fund for San Mateo County
Raised over $55,000 for San Mateo flood victims and voted to approve a combined $205,000 San Mateo Flood Relief Fund
Approved 399 units of affordable housing including the largest affordable housing project in our history
Voted for climate resilient reach codes and approved the Climate Action Plan
Led campaign finance reforms and increased youth representation
Increased $5.8M annual revenue through two ballot initiatives
Repaired 20 miles of streets, and more!
There's very real work ahead, however a small conservative and anti-abortion interest group is attempting to remove me from office. Their reasoning lacks coherence and will waste our tax payer dollars desperately needed for public services. That is why I need you to join the multi-racial and multi-faith coalition to Stop the Recall.
This wasteful and baseless effort would cost the City nearly $1M.
Stand with me. Frivolous and hateful campaigns like this have no place here. Don't let a small group of people hijack the progress we are making in San Mateo. Endorse the Stop the Recall campaign today! ᐧ
Endorse the Stop the Recall Campaign
Fiona Ma State Treasurer
Sally Lieber State Board of Equalization Member
Betty Yee Former State Controller
Kevin Mullin Congressmember
Evan Low State Assemblymember
Marc Berman State Assemblymember
Alex Lee State Assemblymember
David Chiu Former State Assemblymember
Noelia Corzo San Mateo County Supervisor
Dave Pine San Mateo County Supervisor
David Canepa San Mateo County Supervisor
Richard Holober San Mateo County Community College Board Trustee
Chelsea Bonini San Mateo County Board of Education Trustee
Rick Bonilla Former Mayor San Mateo
Fred Hansson Former City Councilmember
Rich Hedges San Mateo City Councilmember
Adam Loraine San Mateo City Councilmember
Jesse Arreguin Berkeley Mayor, ABAG President
Nick Pilch Former Mayor, City of Albany
Emily Beach Burlingame Councilmember
John Goodwin Colma Councilmember
J.R. Fruen Cupertino Councilmember
Lisa Gauthier Mayor East Palo Alto
Antonio Lopez Vice Mayor East Palo Alto
Sam Hindi Foster City Councilmember
Steve Okamoto Former Mayor Foster City
Deborah Ruddock Half Moon Bay Councilmember
Harvey Rarback Half Moon Bay Councilmember
Jen Wolosin Mayor Menlo Park
Maurice Goodman Vice Mayor Millbrae
Anders Fung Millbrae Councilmember
Angelina Cahalan Millbrae Councilmember
Lucas Ramirez Mountain View Councilmember
Emily Ramos Mountain View Councilmember
Adrian Fine Former Mayor Palo Alto
Julie Lythcott-Haims Palo Alto Councilmember
Christine Boles Pacifica Councilmember
Mary Bier Pacifica Councilmember
Mark Nagales Vice Mayor South San Francisco
James Coleman South San Francisco Councilmember
Eddie Flores South San Francisco Councilmember
Jeff Gee Mayor Redwood City
Lissette Espinoza-Garnica Vice Mayor Redwood City
Giselle Hale Former Mayor Redwood City
Chris Sturken Redwood City Councilmember
Larry Klein Mayor Sunnyvale
Alysa Cisneros Vice Mayor Sunnyvale
Richard Mehlinger Sunnyvale Councilmember
Ken Chin Vice President San Mateo-Foster City School District Board
Alison Proctor San Mateo-Foster City School District Board Trustee
Ligia Andrade Zuniga Vice President San Mateo Union High School District
Teri Chavez San Mateo Union High School District Trustee
Kalimah Salahuddin Vice President Jefferson Union High School District
Jenny Varghese-Bloom President Ravenswood City School District
Karen Chin Trustee Millbrae Elementary School District
Manufou Liaiga-Anoa’i Trustee Jefferson Elementary School District
Clayton Koo Former Trustee Jefferson Elementary School District
Patrick Ahrens President, Foothill De Anza College Board
Robert Anderson Retired San Mateo Police Officer
Derek Bahamondes SEIU 521
Judy Bloom Founding member, San Mateo County Commission on the Status of Women
Gloria Brown Founder Bay Area Community Health Advisory Council
Owen Day Youth Activist
Karyl Eldridge One San Mateo
Rudy Espinoza Executive Board San Mateo County Democratic Party
Ashleigh Evans Former Chair San Mateo County Democracy for America
Ed Evans Nor Cal Carpenters Union
Lorri Holzberg President Peninsula Democratic Coalition
Nick Gonzalez Political Director San Mateo County LatinX Democrats
Harini Krishnan National Organizing Chair, South Asians for America
Dorene Kastelman President Jewish Democratic Club of Silicon Valley
Kimi Lee Director, Bay Rising Action
Vanessa Lemus Tapia Teamsters Local 350
Alexis Lewis Vice President San Mateo NAACP & Elected Member of San Mateo Democratic Central Committee
Julie Lind Rupp San Mateo County Labor Council
Alan Mattlage San Mateo Citizens Climate Lobby
Roisin McElarney Chapter Leader San Mateo Citizens Climate Lobby
Andrea Reyna Vice President SMC Latinx Dems & Elected Member of San Mateo Democratic Central
Mona Simpson Executive Committee San Mateo NAACP
Elaine Salinger Leader SMC Citizens Climate Lobby
Victoria Sanchez de Alba Vice-Chair Northern San Mateo Democratic Central Committee
Irving Torres Housing the Homeless Advocate
Sabine Won Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ San Mateo)
Rev. Dr. Marlyn Bussey Saint James AME Zion Church
Rev. Dr. G. Penny Nixon Co-Director, Peninsula Solidarity Cohort
Rev. Jen Plantenberg Community Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. David Usher Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
Deacon Sina Vuna United Methodist Church
Bay Rising Action
IBEW 617
Jewish Democratic Club of Silicon Valley
L2400 San Mateo County Firefighters
Nor Cal Carpenters Union Local 217
Peninsula Democratic Coalition
Peninsula Young Democrats
San Mateo Police Officers' Association
San Mateo County API Caucus
San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee
San Mateo County Stonewall Democrats
San Mateo Consolidated Firefighters
San Mateo Labor Council
UFCW Local 5
"The frivolous effort to recall Mayor Lee is harassment at best and racist at worst. This dangerous effort to put her out of office must be defeated if San Mateo is ever to confront all of the obstacles before us today. Mayor Lee is the only one remaining with legislative experience to lead our City."
- Former Mayor Rick Bonilla
"Mayor Lee has been an extraordinary regional leader. I urge voters to say no to this unjust recall which will potentially cost the taxpayers a million dollars.”
- David J. Canepa, San Mateo County Supervisor
"I stand with Mayor Lee. She is the first API woman elected to office in the City of San Mateo and has served the community with honor and integrity. This recall is unjustified and fiscally irresponsible."
- Phil Ting, Assemblymember
"Amourence Lee represents all San Mateans with integrity, courage and grace. She was elected by the entire City electorate pre-District elections, and any effort to recall her for standing up for her values and serving ALL residents of San Mateo are baseless. The voters of San Mateo have spoken in re-electing Mayor Lee in 2020, and they will have a chance to speak up again in 2024."
- San Mateo County Board of Education Trustee Chelsea Bonini
"Amourence Lee is a dedicated public servant for the community. I ask all voters and community members to join me in standing up for her and for the will of the voters who elected her."
- Board of Equalization Trustee Sally Lieber
"We fully support Mayor Amourence Lee's rightful position as Mayor of San Mateo, and strongly oppose a recall to remove her from office. She has been an excellent Mayor and City Council member, and this is an affront to Jewish and other communities who gain representation in positions of leadership."
- Jewish Democratic Club of Silicon Valley
"The Peninsula Democratic Coalition sends its support against the recall of Mayor Lee."
- Peninsula Democratic Coalition
"I’m standing with you Amourence!!"
- Lisa Gauthier, Mayor East Palo Alto
"Mayor Lee is doing the right thing, and perhaps the unpopular thing, by adhering to State law and supporting needed housing so that San Mateo does its part in the housing crisis. She deserves the utmost support."
- Nick Pilch, Former Mayor City of Albany
"Mayor Lee is a proven leader, she has shown up for the community and has done a lot of work to make our community stronger."
- Kimi Lee, Director Bay Rising Action
"This recall is a complete waste of time and money. Mayor Lee is a proven leader and deserves recognition."
- Barbara Boyington
"I am proud of Mayor Lee, and sick to my stomach at the way she's being treated by racists, climate-deniers, and other right-wingers who can't win fair elections but want to tear her down by other means."
- James Higbie
"I will continue to support Mayor Lee as she graciously serves her community and region with strength and determination."
- Pacifica City Councilmember Mary Bier
"I support Amourence Lee. The recall attempt against her is petty and divisive and bad for the community and the county."
- Half Moon Bay Councilmember Deborah Ruddock
"Amourence is a progressive leader. We need more like her."
- Half Moon Bay Councilmember Harvey Rarback
"Money is always needed for critical projects and relief, not to be wasted on unnecessary elections just months away."
- Former San Mateo City Councilmember Fred Hanssen
"I completely support Amourence Lee as the Mayor of the City of San Mateo."
- Mona Simpson, Executive Committee San Mateo NAACP
"Hang tough! Ms Mayor Amo you are a credit to the community!"
- Teresa Andrews, SEIU 521
"Amo Lee stands for inclusivity and fights for ALL people in San Mateo. She is a proven leader who is being wrongfully attacked. This recall effort is a waste of time, money and energy for the people of San Mateo. I stand with Amo!"
- Karen Chin, Trustee, Millbrae Elementary School District Trustee
"For the good of the hardworking Carpenters and taxpayers of San Mateo, Nor Cal Carpenters Union Local 217 stands in strong support of Mayor Amourence Lee and opposes the baseless and wasteful effort to recall her from office. Join us in support of Mayor Lee!"
- Ed Evans, NorCal Carpenters Union Local 217
"I stand in strong support of Mayor Lee, who is dedicated to leading San Mateo by bringing communities together."
- Betty Yee, Former State Controller
"This recall effort is a terrible waste of time and money. It is a power grab and Amo has done nothing inappropriate to warrant this."
- Elaine Salinger, SMC Citizens Climate Lobby
"Why are we wasting public money on this? Don't we have elections to find out what people think?"
- Harry Moody, Former Vice President AARP
"I wholeheartedly support Mayor Lee and oppose a recall. A recall of a qualified elected official is a waste of taxpayer money."
- Lorri Holzberg, President Peninsula Democratic Coalition
"A recall is an utter failure and waste of money. Let Amo lead. Let San Mateo City Council function and govern. I trust Amo!"
- Mary Rose Le Baron
"I strongly oppose misuse of taxpayer money to further divide our city. The city council's disregard of the city charter was a disgrace that brought national embarrassment to the city of San Mateo. Adding a recall election with a cost upwards of a million dollars when the city is already facing a deficit is irresponsible"
- Martin Rojo
"Don’t get confused about the recall. This is a proxy fight by those nostalgic for an imagined past to prevent a future they fear but won’t participate in."
- Dan Schonberg
"My work with [Mayor Lee] during Ashlyn So's anti-asian violence rally in San Mateo was a good experience. Her platform is strongly supported. What is the logic behind this recall? I cannot find any."
- Steve Hom
"She is a proven leader who is being wrongfully attacked. Mayor Lee is the one with strong legislative experience to lead our City."
- Heidi Moser
"Thank you for doing your job for our community. Let's focus on our area's needs instead of recalls."
- Amy Lee
"I strongly support Mayor Lee. Mayor Lee has continually shown strong leadership and has reached out to many communities in our diverse City. A recall campaign would be a waste of tax payer money and an insult to the 23,701 voters who elected her. San Mateo should be united behind our new City Council and not divided by a ridiculous recall effort!"
- Robert Anderson, Retired San Mateo Police Officer
"Stop this frivolous waste of time and money."
- Connie White
"Council member Lee has worked tirelessly make life better for ALL San Mateans and deserves to complete the term she was elected to in a citywide election."
- Mia Clapham
"Council member Lee has worked tirelessly make life better for ALL San Mateans and deserves to complete the term she was elected to in a citywide election."
- Isabelle Escobar
"Respect the 2020 election results! Support the JEWISH, ASIAN WOMAN who won CITYWIDE with 24,000 votes. Stop the harassment!!!"
- Suzanne Bonilla
"Mayor Lee has the courage and vision to lead our city into a brighter future in which all San Mateans have a voice."
- Alan Mattlage, Citizens Climate Lobby
"I stand proudly with Mayor Lee and oppose the divisive, expensive, wasteful Recall Campaign. It is a distraction from the important work that Mayor Lee has been focused on with respect to the real issues facing our City today. Mayor Lee is a visionary leader who can make much needed progress on these issues, but to do so, every resident must oppose the Recall so that she can proceed unobstructed by a small, conservative minority whose views are not representative of the overwhelming majority of our city's residents."
- Michelle Hudson
"This recall attempt will divert energy and dollars from essential projects that benefit all of San Mateans and in the end, will fail. Mayor Lee has a record advocating for the underrepresented by not only supporting the greater vision for all of San Mateo but of bringing in revenues the city badly needs. The human factor is always at the core of her initiatives, Those initiating this recall should take a breath and sit with Mayor Lee to find the common ground. In my experience, she is an active listener with uncommon skills to distill the main issue and address it directly and with respect of another perspective. I stand with her!"
- Mareva Godfrey, Laguna Vista HOA Marina Lagoon Committee
"This bad faith attempt to silence a progressive voice in San Mateo is completely absurd and an expensive waste of time. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to tell a Jewish Woman of Color to stop fighting for the everyday San Matean is as useless as it is problematic. I stand with Mayor Lee in fighting this baseless recall."
- Owen Day
"This effort is a ridiculous distraction from all of the real work our city leaders need to be doing to keep our city safe, beautiful, and a place where generations to come will want to call home. Our family stands with Mayor Lee!"
- The Alston Family
"I manage the Vendome (Housing for our most vulnerable citizens of San Mateo). City Council has always been an advocate for the Vendome and the people we represent. Mayor Lee, goes beyond being an advocate and "discussing" the issues of our unhoused. Mayor Lee, show true compassion for my clients and those who are still on the Streets i have witnessed the Mayor talking and meeting our Clients were there at. I work closely with The SMPD on quality of life issues and all these Officers have a deep respect for Mayor Lee."
- Steven Carey, LifeMoves/Vendome
"This is a RIDICULOUS and GROSS MISUSE of the reform laws in California. We have regular elections to determine our elected officials."
- Brian Chen
"I am proud to support Mayor Lee, and to stand up and say NO to this recall effort. Mayor Lee is doing a great job for us here in San Mateo. As a North Central resident and San Matean, I say NO to this wasteful and hateful recall effort."
- Amy Alstrom
"I stand with Mayor Lee. The fact that these individuals think this is the best thing to do right now for our city is wrong. Waste of time and money."
- Monica Ramos
"You should have been voted in per protocol instead of falling victim to politicking by Diaz Nash and Newsom. You were put in a terrible position that culminated in your colleagues and friends being harmed because you did not know who you could trust and what was their agendas... Diaz Nash has lost any future support from me for her manipulative behavior."
- Deborah Diaz
"I strongly stand with Mayor Amourence Lee in denouncing this hateful recall against her, the first AAPI woman to serve as mayor of the City of San Mateo."
- Harini Krishnan, National Organizing Chair, South Asians for America
"Mayor Lee has championed LGBTQ rights to build a more inclusive San Mateo. The Stonewall Dems Club stands with her to oppose this unjust recall."
- San Mateo County Stonewall Democrats
"Mayor Lee voice out for hazard pay for our workers at the time when our workers needed the most help and appreciation during the beginning of the pandemic. We can't afford to lose a voice, that actually shows care for the city and its people, in the city council. We stand with Mayor Lee against this non-sense and money wasting recall. The money should be better spent to support our residents and workers."
- UFCW Local 5
"The San Mateo County Asian Pacific Islanders Caucus cannot remain silent after a group of voters in the City of San Mateo launched a recall effort against San Mateo Mayor Amourence Lee. As elected officials and regional leaders, we have not found any accusations of illegal acts, malfeasance, or improper actions that would warrant an expensive and divisive recall... Mayor Lee works hard for her community, her city and her Peninsula. She fights on behalf of supporters and detractors alike...This recall unnecessarily distracts from that goal and forces already-limited public resources... the allegations against Mayor Lee are without merit and insufficient for a recall. This caucus urges all parties to take a step back and find common ground..."
- San Mateo County API Caucus
"[The] Labor Council delegate body voted unanimously to oppose the recall effort against San Mateo Mayor Amourence Lee... Recall elections are expensive and time-consuming, and they rarely result in removing the targeted official...That one million dollars of City funds would be far better spent on continuing to invest in the programs and services that make San Mateo such an incredible place to live, work and raise a family."
- The San Mateo County Labor Council
"The San Mateo Police Officers’ Association stands with Mayor Lee. The sham recall effort was launched with a statement that was nothing but lies, half-truths and innuendo. The recall promotes civil discord while fueling divide. Do not support this pointless and expensive tax-payer funded recall, support Mayor Lee!"
- San Mateo Police Officers’ Association
"San Mateo Consolidated Firefighters and L2400 San Mateo County Firefighters stand with Amourence Lee against this recall. Join us in support of Mayor Amourence Lee."
- L2400 San Mateo County Firefighters &
San Mateo Consolidated Firefighters
"WHEREAS, the recall process should only be used for the most egregious cases of corruption and malfeasance and the stated reasons for this recall do not meet that standard and are vague and unsubstantiated ;and
WHEREAS using the recall process for disappointment or frustration over an election is counter to democratic values and jeopardizes the representative form of government; and in addition, it is estimated that, if signature gathering for this recall proposal is successful, it will cost the City of San Mateo $600,000 to $700,000 for a special election—an unfortunate and wasteful expenditure of public funds; and
WHEREAS, the divisive nature of the recall process and its impact on public trust and on elected officials being able to act independently, without fear of political retribution, is crucial for effective governance;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee does not support the recall campaign, and urges San Mateo residents not to sign the recall petitions and to reject the attempt to recall Amourence Lee, Mayor of the City of San Mateo."
San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee
Resolution to Oppose Recall
of Amourence Lee, Mayor, City of San Mateo