Hosted the State of the City 2023 at the King Center.
Approved 400+ affordable housing units, including the largest 100% affordable housing project in our history. Kiku Crossing created 225 new homes downtown: 25% public employee housing for our workforce and a work/live preference for San Mateans. Increased affordable housing requirement for new developments from 10% to 15%. Welcomed 44 formerly homeless residents to the Project Homekey El Camino House. Served as vice-chair of the General Plan Subcommittee and led the transformative 7-year process to overturn NIMBY policies at the ballot. Measure T passed by an overwhelming majority as the largest rezoning in San Mateo's history in over 30 years. Approved $377,000+ forgivable zero interest pre-development loan to build 5 affordable units for foster youth at St. James Mount Zion AME Church. Strengthened red-tag ordinance and tenant protections. Won state legislation AB 2580 to curb the weaponization of historic preservation.
Led during a 300-year storm event that flooded an estimated 10,000 homes and businesses. Raised $150,000 for Flood Relief Fund and led Flood Free San Mateo Coalition to secure $4M in annual revenue to fund stormwater infrastructure improvements & dredging of the Marina Lagoon Increased funding for Bicycle Master Plan Rapid Implementation & multi-modal transit to improve bike and pedestrian safety & reduced speed limits around schools. Led the County, passing green building Reach Codes that support all-electric for new construction and bold de-carb strategy to accelerate the Climate Action Plan, & led ban on City investment in fossil fuels. Supported future water recycling through regional collaborations and investment of $1B to modernize the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Passed the assessment district to fund the construction of the North Shoreview Levee, which removed 1,000+ homes in North Central and North Shoreview from the FEMA Flood Map. Repaired 20+ miles of streets and the 25th Ave Grade Separation. Initiated the Citywide & North Central Complete Streets and launched the traffic collision data dashboard to inform policy. Opened Borel Park and renovated King Field, Hayward Park Square, and John Lee Dog Park. Approved development projects will generate 16.5 acres of open spaces. Supported the establishment of a Quiet Zone to reduce noise pollution from trains.
Governed during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic - preserved 600 City jobs and ensured hazard pay for essential employees. Provided critical federal funding to businesses launching the Multilingual Business Outreach Taskforce which assisted local businesses with 418 PPP loans and $325M in federal COVID relief funds, plus provided 61 relief grants to small businesses & $100k grants for ADA upgrades for restaurants. Expanded COVID moratorium on commercial evictions to small businesses and nonprofits. Closed a $7.8M structural deficit and utilized unassigned funds to smooth economic volatility for post-pandemic recovery. Dedicated two pedestrian-only streets downtown & created an estimated 30,000 sq. ft outdoor dining space & permanent outdoor dining parklet program & expanded subsidized Employee Parking Program for Downtown Businesses & built 297 new parking stalls on the downtown opportunity site. Provided $400,000 in rental assistance (incl. home-based child care providers) and mobilized 50+ elected officials to support the County COVID-19 Childcare Fund, distributing 300 grants to childcare providers. Passed three ballot initiatives generating $9.8M in annual revenue for City services and sustainable infrastructure and managed the unfunded pension liability to eliminate liability by 2050. Led an equitable tax reform measure that had not been amended in nearly half a century, so now all property owners pay their fair share to sustain vital City services. Dedicated $3M in reserves for stormwater infrastructure and created a $150,000+ Flood Relief Fund to aid flood victim businesses and residents.
Led campaign finance reforms as the first City in the County to launch a Campaign Finance Dashboard. Co-authored the Black Lives Matter Resolution and led the creation of the DEI Task Force and adoption of the DEI Strategic Plan with oversight by Community Relations Commission. Led the creation of the largest racial equity mural on the Peninsula in our downtown pedestrian mall. Organized the first Pride Flag raising at City Hall & first Pride Parade downtown. Increased language access & civic education to increase diverse representation through the creation of dedicated youth seats on our boards and commissions. Transitioned to by-district elections and voted for an equitable map to ensure representation East of 101. World Health Organization designated San Mateo an Age-Friendly City and supported funding for the implementation of initiatives. Led a delegation to celebrate 60 years of the Sister City program with Toyonaka, Japan, enhancing cultural exchange program.
Mobilized 450+ community members to secure a $850,000 congressional grant to modernize the King Center & County leaders to reopen Mickelson's Water Therapy Pool for community use. Raised funds to address the digital divide campaign & PPE donation to SMFCSD. Created distance learning hubs for students during COVID in partnership with the school district and Parks & Recreation Department. Launched Community Policing & Criminal Justice Reform - mental health co-response, Alzheimer's training, diversity and use of force transparency and accountability. Increased funding for senior mobility services and expanded food security programs Approved safety technology enhancements (drones, ALPR, wildfire mitigation) and emergency preparedness & upgrades to Fire Stations & Community Centers. Led ban on flavored tobacco & E-cigarettes. Delivered Gun Violence Prevention Policy and safe firearm storage ordinance. Partnered to bring Women's Self-Defense & Anti-Asian Hate Education. Protected Planned Parenthood clients from harassment with the establishment of a buffer zone.

Pregnant at Laurelwood Park - before the playground was built.

We organized 400+ volunteers for the North Central Neighborhood Cleanup.

In 2019, I first took the oath of office at City Hall, the first Asian woman to serve.

We built levees that removed 1,000+ homes from the FEMA flood map.

Raised $150k+ for Storm Relief Fund and $4M annual revenue for flood control infrastructure improvements.

Received Commendation for Leadership in public service as Mayor.