Every year our council adopts a strategic plan through a 3-step deliberation process. This is one of the most important opportunities for community members to advocate - and help shape which council priorities are resourced in the coming fiscal year.
Everyone is welcome to attend and share your ideas and input at the Blue Skies Workshop on Saturday, February 11th at the College of San Mateo (Building 10) at the College Heights Conference Room (in person only).
1) Initiate a Community Budget Process including the review of unfunded equity priorities and potential utilization of the estimated $4.8M annual revenue from Measure CC (factoring in the volatility of the funding source, considering one-time vs. ongoing expenditures augmented by reserves or a combined approach). Key unfunded community priorities include:
Infrastructure improvements & comprehensive circulation study of the designated Equity Priority Community (N. Shoreview & N. Central)
Increasing sustainability capacity - expand volunteer, staffing, partnerships
DEI Task Force initiative to increase council/commission compensation to support recruitment of low-income and under-represented communities
Scale and expand on public safety and mental health programs by increasing staff capacity of co-response PD/mental health pilot
Convene and collaborate with business leaders e.g. DSMA, N B Street & San Mateo Chamber, SBA, etc to support local businesses, protect against ADA lawsuits, improve disaster preparedness, and post-pandemic recovery
2) Enhance city-wide disaster response and emergency readiness capabilities:
Assess response readiness across all departments
Streamline permitting for health/safety repairs (waive or reduce fees for flood victims)
Adopt enhanced safety codes like the Sprinkle Fitter Ordinance
Expand CERT & safety trainings & strengthen linkages to Neighborhood Watch
Create designated areas for rest and recovery for non-public safety first responders
Advance ballot measure for Recreational Facilities Bond to shore up community facilities for recreational and emergency response aiming for Nov. 2024 election
Advance funding plan in FY23-24 to upgrade storm water infrastructure including dredging/excavating the lagoon
3) Synthesize and integrate our master plans to increase efficiency and community impact:
Evaluate commission structures to reduce redundancies in scope (weighing staff capacity & community input) - explore consolidation and options for non-brown Act bodies like task forces and ex-officio liaisons
Overlay key initiatives such as age-friendly cities and DEI objectives into existing plans
Develop City land acquisition policy and strategy for affordable housing and recreational/public safety/operational needs
4) Review and update the City Charter to ensure the city is never deprived on mayoral representation again:
Establish community input process for a comprehensive review to define scope
Scope: mandate selection of mayor/deputy mayor as the first order of business without option of continuance, mandate succession order, commission/council compensation, district-elections and other cleanup requirements
5) Improve constituent communications and case management through implementation of a comprehensive customer relations management system such as 3-1-1.
Link to Meeting Materials.